Blog Classification and Communities


Blogs are divided into a few categories, giving readers and bloggers varieties to suit their preferences. As blogs are widely categorized, there are a few main blog categories before they are broken down into smaller categories.

a) Personal Blog
-This blog consist of the blogger’s personal views on a subject matter. In general, most teenagers and young adults prefer this type of blog because they are more interested in sharing the event that occurs in their daily life (Blogging the Phenomenon 2006). One example of a personal blog would be by Kinkybluefairy

b) Community Blog
-A community blog exists in an existing community where the authors sometimes are not aware that they are blogging. This type of blog exists on Myspace (Identity in the Blogosphere 2006).

c) Corporate Blog
- This type of blog is usually for business purposes. Entrepreneurs’ uses blogs to engage with their customers and at the same time to gain more profit as establishing a blog is easy and free. For example, Cuppacakes promote products to their potential customers on their blog.

Other types of blogs:
a) Moblog – contents are posted from mobile phones.
b) Vlog- consists of videos. Example: YouTube
c) Sketchlog- consists of drawing and sketches. Example: Stickgal
d) Linklog - Collection of links or URLs; Example:
e) Photolog – blog full of photos. Example: Fotopages

One of Stickgal's drawing on her blog
(Sourced from

Status of Publishers:
Corporate and Business blogs

Most blogs these days are combination of different styles, format and attracts different types of audience. This is caused by the audience’s different preferences and interest. The style of publishing blogs changes as the time goes by. Today, blogs can be accessed and updated through mobile phones and this blogging trend is called moblogging (Blogging Goes Mobile 2003). However, one of the ways to identify a unique blog is to observe the types of entries, which are being posted on the blog itself.

Blogging Community
A blogging community, also known as blogosphere is a network connecting bloggers from all over the world together. It is possible to create a blogging community by the existence of hyperlink, chat space, comment post and also tags on the blog itself. One of the existing blogging communities would be MyBlogLog. Blog authors joining this blogging community are able to monitor their readers (Kirkpatrick 2006). Besides that, MyBlogLog helps authors to interact with other bloggers sharing the same interest.

MyBlogLog blogging community logo
(Sourced from:

Reference List
Blogging goes mobile 2003, online, retrieved 30 April 2008, from

Blogging the Phenomenon 2006, online, retrieved 30 April 2008, from

Blogjargon 2005, online, retrieved 30 April 2008, from

Identity in the Blogosphere 2006, online retrieved 30 April 2008, from

Kirkpatrick, M 2006, MyBlogLog: Readers Netword Arounf Their Favourite Blog, online, retrieved on 1 May 2008, from


HoneyPeachLing said...

Hahaha, loved the drawing. So cute!